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Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland

Międzynarodowe przeżycie : Szwajcaria
Discover the traditional art of gold panning in Switzerland for a unique and enriching experience! Feel the excitement of searching for and uncovering precious gold as you learn the techniques of using a gold pan or similar tools to extract free gold particles from loose surface sediment.

Join us for a hands-on adventure where you'll learn the secrets of the trade from experienced instructors. Whether you're a novice or have some experience, our friendly guides will ensure you have a rewarding and enjoyable time.

After your gold panning expedition, unwind and indulge in a delicious BBQ lunch, savoring the flavors of Switzerland amidst stunning natural surroundings.

Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich history of gold mining while enjoying a memorable day out in the Swiss countryside. Book your gold panning experience today and make Golden Moments to cherish!
  • Cena 567.15zl
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Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland
Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland
Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland
Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland
Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland

Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland:  

The Experience

Enjoy an unforgettable day on the river with your family, friends or colleagues! Golden Moments allows you to find your own little collection of Golden Moments' nuggets!

- Learning about gold prospecting and the history of gold
- Panning and searching for gold
- BBQ Lunch

Vital Information

The Gold Prospecting is dependent on the weather. Extreme weather conditions may affect the experience. If this is the case, the experience can be rebooked for another date.


This voucher is valid for one person but you must have a group of at least ten. This is perfect for groups and a team-building event. Call our team now to discuss.

Session Length

The Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River experience in Switzerland lasts at least 6 hours.

Dress Code

Please wear comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes. Do not forget your swimwear.


You can book this experience between May and October.


Disentis, Switzerland

Additional Information

All equipment is provided. The price is per person for the food and the experience, but you will have to pay for drinks on the day.

Kod : CH0025

Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland:

View Locations

Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland: Dostępność

You can book this experience between May and October.

Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland: Fascynujące fakty

Gold prospecting is the act of searching for gold deposits. Methods used vary with the type of deposit sought and the resources of the prospector. Although traditionally a commercial activity, in some developed countries placer gold prospecting has also become a popular outdoor recreation.

Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland: jesteś niezdecydowany

Gold Panning and Lunch BBQ Party on the River, Switzerland: Ograniczenia

The Gold Prospecting is dependent on the weather. Extreme weather conditions may affect the experience. If this is the case, the experience can be rebooked for another date.
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  • Cena 567.15zl
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